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13% Ethertia Bate 0.0.3 progress, est. Feb 21, 2023
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Ethertia Update News
All Versions

Latest release: Ethertia Beta v0.0.2
Latest snapshot: 23u1a / 03 Jan, 2023


Ethertia is a game about breaking and placing terrain materials. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create wonderful, imaginative things.

It can also be about adventuring with friends or watching the sun rise over a smoothy ocean. It’s pretty. Brave players battle terrible things in The Nether, which is more scary than pretty. You can also visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds more like your cup of tea.

You can buy Ethertia for PC/Mac. Ethertia: Pocket Edition is available for iOS and Android, and Ethertia: Xbox 360 Edition is available on the XBLA Marketplace. So far 1 people bought the PC/Mac version of the game. Phew.

Key Features


1. Voxels. Every single terrain material in the world could be break/place.
2. Modeling. You could import external elaborated models dynamically in creative mode. for design your special worlds.
3. CSG Architecture. By the power of Isosurface Technics, You could building precious architectures via CSG modeling.


1. Multiplayer using High Effective UDP Networking & Server programs.
2. Character Avatar You could custom your Avatar by select others or make via professional software.
3. VR && Motion Track immerse VR support. Full body motion track, sync your motion to your in game character.
5. Theatrical Facility In-game Screen of video stream , Audio, SpotLight, Cameras.. to design a great theatrical environment. can't wait to join a DJ / Concert.


1. Farming, Cooking, Husbandry Carrots, Wheat / Pigs, Sheep, Cow
2. World Explore Biomes, Islands, Towns.
3. Vehicles Train, railway. Car, Truck. Subway.


1. Modding Native modding & script modding.
2. Twilight Forest Reloaded


Sing Concern "Keerthi" nearby the Turtle Dove Ocean
Great Statue "Cristo Redentor" on the Peak of Island Mountain

Getting Started

1. Purchase Ethertia Account if you want. (tobe honest, even you not paying money you can still play, but may cannot join official server.)
2. Download an Ethertia Version, unzip.
3. Launch.

System Requirements:
Operation System: MacOS (Catalina), Windows (10), Linux (Ubuntu)





Ethertia is sponsored by:
#2 Steve Bergensten - $2.58 Game Purchase, 21 Oct, 2022.

Ethertia is developed by:
Game design, programming, graphics: Eldrine Le Prismarine
Music and sounds:
Ingame artwork:
Libs&tools used: cpp, glfw, glm, stb, bulletphys